Young bull elk reaching for great things!
The elk is a large curious animal that is very territorial about their personal space. The name elk comes from when the Europeans. When they saw elk, it reminded them of the form of moose that they call elk. So, that stuck as their name. However, there are many people out there that will argue that is not the elk’s true name. They say their true name is ‘wapiti.’ This name comes from the native American tribes of Shawnee and Cree. The word means ‘white rump,’ which is very true of the animal’s physical feature of the white rump.
Whether you call this animal an elk or wapiti, it is a very pretty and elegant creature to watch. Since they can run up to 45 miles per hour, you do have to keep your distance because they are territorial of their space and are known to have a short temper. Plus, bull elk will use their horns as weapons.
However, elk do have a curiosity on them. As with this elk in the picture above. The juvenile male is reaching for something to eat. He is sticking his neck out there. What do you think he is doing?
The doe and her calf, on the blog page, are walking in a field with a fence. What do you think the calf is thinking and looking at? Is the mom annoyed with her calf? What is she saying to it?
Like these elk, Cowboy Photography is doing new and different things. We are sticking our necks out there and this has to do with the big news that is about to be released soon. What do you think this news is about?