Simple Prickly Pear Cactus enjoying the simplicity of the sunset on the rolling hills in South Dakota.
In a world that is very fast paced, complex and the demand for right away; we have lost the feeling of what it is to be simple and to the idea of simplicity. Photography is an industry that can get very complex with lights, shadows, reflectors, models, and the camera itself. That is the beauty of this industry, and many others, one can make it as complicated as they want.
Yes, I do really on lights, reflectors, tripods, etc. to help bring out a certain look. However, I really being able to just go out with my camera and see what pops up to photograph. There are times when I go with an agenda, but really on nature, it doesn't always work the way I think. This is where the appreciation of simple and simplicity comes in.
When I go on these excursions, I get to slow down and enjoy the realm of being simple. It helps me find ways of being more creative to get the shot I am going for. It makes rely on the simplicity of things and appreciate the fact that I don’t need all the gear and gadgets to get things done.
As I did when photographing this lonely prickly pear cactus in South Dakota. I didn’t have gadgets with just my camera. I relied on my experience and enjoyed the simplicity around me to capture this cactus being casted in the natural backlighting of the sunset.
When I go simple, I can enjoy the things around me and find the natural beauty that the area has to offer. Then it carries over into my life appreciate those around me and for the things and opportunities that this universe has to offer.
When was the last time you went simple and enjoyed a time of simplicity? How did it helped you enjoy those around you? Opportunities? Life?