You are being watched! What is this house sparrow observing?
One thing that I love about photography is needed to observe.
As I took a break while walking through Central Park, I saw this bush with this house sparrow just sitting there and photographed it. After developing the photograph, I wondered what this bird is looking at or for, what is it thinking and why is it hiding. It got me to thinking about observation.
When I can take the time to observe, whether walking through a park, at an event or sitting in a public area or home, you get to see what is around you. I give you a moment to question what you see and if you agree with it or not. You will learn different ways of doing things. You are giving the opportunity to truly appreciate those in your life and be grateful for the things you have.
Observation in photography for me allows me to capture photographs that I otherwise would have missed, like this sparrow in the bush. Observing gets me to find different angles, lighting or objects to use in photography that I may not have thought of. This presents the opportunity of change and growth in me and my abilities as a photographer.
With what I observe, ultimately, gets me to pardon and figure out how this will or needs to change me for the better.
When was the last time you took time to observe? How will it impact your life? What natural beauty will you find?